Duplica allows you to sample and apply text and item attributes using multiple clipboards.
Simply choose the attributes you wish to copy and then paste them in other parts of the document in one single step.
Copy and Paste Multiple Attributes at Once.
In addition to character and paragraph attributes, Duplica also
allows you to copy and paste:
Box attributes – width, height, origina down and across, angle,
skew, color, shade, opacity, corner radius, frame specs, shape and
bezier points, blends, suppression status and drop shadow details.
Text box attributes – number of columns, gutter width, text insets,
text angle and skew, first baseline, vertical alignment, text flipping
and run around sides settings.
Page and spread guide attributes – horizontal page guides,
vertical page guides, horizontal spread guides and vertical spread
Copy and Paste Attributes
from Boxes, Pictures, and Guides.
Duplica Paragraph Panel
With Duplica, you can select any text in your document and copy all or some of the
character or paragraph attributes that are currently applied. From Font and Text
Color, to Rules and Bullets and Numbers settings can be copied and then applied to
other parts of the document.
But Duplica also has the ability to sample a multiple range of character and
paragraph attributes. This means that you can create a sequence of grouped
attributes, that will be pasted in the same order as the original sequence.
For example, you can have a paragraph with its attributes that represent a title, and
then a second paragraph that represents the body text. You will be able to copy in
one step those multiple attributes, and then paste them at once somewhere else.
Copy Multiple Character and Paragraph Attributes.
Use a single text range or a sequence of text ranges.
Duplica allows you to paste any character, paragraph or box attribute to an
entire box or to multiple boxes – including grouped boxes. When combined
with the range styling capabilities, this means you can even format dozens
of text boxes with only a few clicks.
Apply Text and Item Attributes to Multiple Boxes at Once.
Duplica Character Panel
Duplica Character Panel
for QuarkXPress
©1998–2022 Badia Software
All rights reserved.
Explore Duplica for QuarkXPress today.
New Version 2022 for QuarkXPress 2022!
Also available for QuarkXPress 2021 and older